News in Pseudokarst

Date Content
2025/01 Obituary for William R. Halliday - Comments by Doug Medville
2024/04 Obituary for Rabbe Sjöberg - Comments by Johannes Lundberg
2024/03 The "Newsletter of the Commission on Pseudokarst", no 31 was issued in March 2024
2022/07 Meeting of the commission at world congress at monday 25.07.2022 - after the "Symposium 11 - Pseudokarst in Amphi 5A-BUGEY" (see scientific conference program)
2022/03 The "Newsletter of the Commission on Pseudokarst", no 30 was issued in March 2022. Main topic: The international year of caves and karst 2021/2022
2022/01 For various reasons, the commission has decided to postpone the 14. symposium to May 2023
2021/10 Polish-Czech speleological workshop - Broumov, 23.10.2021 - Presentation from Jan Urban
2021/08 Obituary for Erich Knust
2021/04 The 14th Symposium will be held in 2022 - Letter from Jan Urban
2021/02 The "Newsletter of the Commission on Pseudokarst", no 29 was issued in February 2021
2020/08 Obituary for István Eszterhás ...  Short Necrology
2020/04 Due to the corona pandemic, the 14th symposium had to be postponed to 2021
2019/10 The commission starts to organize the 14. symposium (should be held in June 2020 in Poland)
2018/12 The "Newsletter of the Commission on Pseudokarst", no 28 was issued in December 2018
2017/07 Some members of the pseudo-karst Commission will participate in the 17th World Congress of cavers in Sydney (Australia) from 23 to 29.07.2017
We will report here....
2017/07 The "Newsletter of the Commission on Pseudokarst", no 27 was issued in July 2017
2016/11 The commission has a new web-address
2016/06 The "Newsletter of the Commission on Pseudokarst", no 26was issued in June 2016

Several annoucements about the events concerning karst and caves (by Jan Urban)

2015/02 The "Newsletter of the Commission on Pseudokarst", no 25 was issued in Febrary 2015
2015/01 The first circular for the symposium 16.-19. Sept. 2015 is published - see (Info from Jan Lenart)
2015/01 The new approach of the list of nonkarstic caves of Hungaria - see (Info from Georg Szentes)
2014/03 Second circular to the meeting in Kungur May 2014
2014/02 The "Newsletter of the Commission on Pseudokarst", no 24 was issued in Febrary 2014
2013/07 Many members of the pseudo-karst Commission participated in the 16th World Congress of cavers in Brno (Czech Republic) from 21 to 28.07.2013 (see also: Report of the President of the Pseudokarst-Commission at UIS World Congress 2013)
2012/12 The "Newsletter of the Commission on Pseudokarst", no 23 was issued in December 2012
2012/01 Obituary for Karl Mais
2012/01 The "Newsletter of the Commission on Pseudokarst", no 22 was issued in January 2012
2011/12 The Proceedings of the 11. symposium on pseudokarst was send to the participants
2011/12 New Year greetings from our president Jan Urban
2011/12 Informations to some congresses in 2012 (from Georg), Congress "ShowCaves" (from Jan)2012_infos_several_congresses.pdf
2011/02 The next Brazilian Pseudokarst-Congress which will happen in July 2011 and will be in a sandstone rock region. Further information can be obtained from José
Ayrton Labegalini, (Information from Jan Paul)
2011/01 The "Newsletter of the Commission on Pseudokarst", no 21 was issued in Dezember 2010
2011/01  Jan Urban: The frozen lake filling the top trench („pseudokarst depression”) near the summit of Kamionna Mt (802 m asl), Carpathians
2010/06 Now the date for the next symposium is availible: 2012 in Spain. For informations see "Symposia"
2010/06 The "Newsletter of the Commission on Pseudokarst", no 20th was issued in March 2010. As almost all issues, it is accessible on
the website of the "Commission on Pseudokarst". And now, the editors are looking for interesting news, reports, short papers,
comments, etc. for the next number, which will be published in September 2010.
So, if you have new ideas, explore new caves, study interesting forms, phenomena, biota in pseudokarst caves or areas, prepare
the project of these kind of investigations, please, send the short paper (1-3 pages) with nice picture(s), reporting or
discussing your data, activity or ideas.
2010/05 The last missing Newsletter (Nr. 8) is now on the list (with the help of J. P. van der Pas and E. Knust, thanks to them !!)
2009/03 Bill Halliday:
Karst, Pseudokarst And Humongouos Artificial Caves of the Black Sea Coast, Europe and Asia
NSS News February 2009 p.20-22(from Georg Szentes)

Dear Members and Friends of the Commission on Pseudokarst UIS

An information is one of the most valuable feature at the beginning of the 21st century. It should be distributed, exchanged, dispersed in various ways. It concerns also an information on activities and advantages in explorations and researches of pseudokarst caves/forms. Therefore, the next, 19. issue of "Newsletter of the Commission on Pseudokarst" is in preparation. It will be distributed in traditional way and in the web and accessible on the website of the "Commission on Pseudokarst" ( - please visit it). And now, the editors are looking for interesting news, reports, short papers, comments, etc.

So, if you have new ideas, explore new caves, study interesting forms, phenomena, biota in pseudokarst caves or areas, prepare the project of these kind of investigations, please share this information with us - readers of the "Newsletter". Please, send the short paper (1-3 pages) with nice picture(s), reporting or discussing your data, activity or ideas.

The papers should be send in WORD file (text: letters 12, line spacing 1,5) and JPG or COREL 9 (pictures) to the address: . The materials should have a title and full names and adresses of authors. The deadline for the no. 19 is 15 December 2008, but materials received later will be published in the next issue. If the number of received materials is larger, than the volume of the issue, some of them will be automatically transferred to the next, no 20. of the "Newsletter".
Thanks for your co-operation

Sincerely  yours
Jan Urban
President of Commission on Pseudokarst UIS

2008/11 In the November 2008 issue of the National Geographic a very interesting article was
published about the famous crystal cave, which to be found deep in the Naica mine,
Mexico. The selenite crystals in the cave, are the largest crystal formation of the world.
The length of the biggest crystal over 10 m. However the cave have formed in limestone,
concerning its development in the extreme environment it can be considered as non-
karstic or pseudokarstic. Details about the caves can be viewed on the website:
2008/10 In the October 2008 issue of the NSS deals with the following pseudokarst subjects:
- Pseudokarst Hunting in the American Southwest,
- Vertical Sea Caving,
- An Interview with Bill Halliday
2008/09 In the September 2008 issue of the NSS News have appeared the following articles about ice caves:
- Under Thin Air: Ice Caves of Mount Everest,
- Matt Meets the Matanuska: a limestone cavers‘s introduction to glacier caving,
- Recent Advances in Glacier Cave Research: getting Cold to Understand Greenland‘s Response to Global Warming
2008/09 The NSS News, monthly issue of the National Speleological Society, USA, can be obtained from bigger Speleolibrary or can be purchased through:
2008/09 The upgraded new version of the List of Non-Karstic Caves in Hungary is on the net.
The List can be viewed on the website